Friday, December 17, 2010

Winter Party

Mystery Readers

Our class had two Mystery Readers on Thursday come to read The Polar Express!

Thank you Rachel and Oliver!

Orbital Studies

Our students have the opportunity to complete an orbital study on any topic they are interested in and want to learn more about.  An orbital study takes about four to six weeks to complete and the students are required to write a written report and develop one other way of presenting their topic.  Below is our first round of projects that were completed...

Samhita completed her orbital study on a forest ecosystem.

Jordan completed his orbital study on insects.

Adrianne completed her oribital study on polar bears.

Myles completed his orbital study on the food chain.

Mihir completed his orbital study on penguins.

Julietcompleted her orbital study on penguins.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Who Let the Dogs Out??!!

We've had two Watchdogs come to our classroom!

Mr. Cannizzo gave our spelling test last Friday and then worked with a guided reading group.  The kids loved the sentences he made up to go with their spelling words!

 Mr. Wheeley came to present a lesson on adaptations.  The class loved learning about the different ways animals adapt to their environments!

Thanks, DOGS! (Dad's of Great Students)

Goodbye, Ms. Holman! We will miss you!

We had to say goodbye to our student teacher, Ms. Holman, last Friday.  The kids and I were so sad to let her go, but are excited for her to begin her teaching career!  She will be an amazing teacher and her future students are incredibly lucky!