Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dictionary Skills

Fernando, Anna, and Lauren working hard!
Aleksei is working on his dictionary skills.
Samuel and Jimmy are working on their dictionary skills and their reading fix-up skills.

Language Arts Stations

Marin, Adrianne, and Christian are all working hard on their stations.
Miss Holman loves working with the students!
Caroline, Myles, and Samhita are working on their spelling station.
In the Science station, Jack has matched cards to show how a substance can change states of matter.

Cheyenne, Parker, Mihir, and Juliet are working on their fix-up strategies and writing their star student letters.
Anna and Sabrina are writing their star student letters.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Mrs. Culp's Birthday!

Wow!  I can not tell you how fun the class made my birthday!  They each made me such sweet ribbons that were tied to a birthday sash.  The picture says it all.  I even had one student make a huge mum like I wore in middle school for homecoming!  What a fun day!  Thank you to everyone for making my day so special.